Peonies now on show!

Published: Thursday 17 November 2016

Yes everyone they're BACK! Beautiful, scrumptious, adorable, heavenly Peonies!!!

No other flower has such a following at the moment and everyone seems to LOVE them!

Peonies have a very short season (usually from early November to mid December) and then they are gone for another year.... or until the imports come in from Holland during May/June.

Here are some fun facts about the Peony:

Peonies are the floral symbol of China, the state flower of Indiana, AND the 12th wedding anniversary flower.

You should have them in your wedding bouquet because they are regarded as a symbol of good fortune and a happy marriage. 

The peony comes in EVERY colour EXCEPT Blue!

They are NOT in the Rose family. 

The heat can affect Peonies and they are best cut shorter in the stem so that they can drink water more easily. We treat all of our flowers with a hydrating treatment to ensure maximum vase life. #TakeTHATsupermarkets

Enjoy Peonies while you can. 

Mr Collins